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Academic and industrial synergy for the development of the railway sector


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Railways around the world are having a renaissance. In Britain, CrossRail is under construction, with an extension to the existing lines already planned. Work on HS2 is moving forward, with plans in place for HS3 and beyond, and extensions to the London Underground are also proposed. Perhaps less in the public eye, but of similar importance, is the planned introduction of digital technologies to the British main line network, which has the potential to significantly improve capacity and customer satisfaction, while reducing energy consumption and whole life cycle costs.  Research being carried out at the University of Birmingham is underpinning the roll-out of innovative solutions in this area, which will improve railway systems in Britain, as well as developing a potentially strong export market, helping Britain to become a true world leader in digital railway technology.
In the Conefer lecture, Professor Clive Roberts, Director of the BCRRE, will present the researchs being carried out at the University in the area of improved railway control, timetabling, predictive maintenance technologies and energy efficiency.



Clive Roberts
Director of Birmingham Centre for Railway Research & Education

Professor de sistemas ferroviários na University of Birmingham e diretor do Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education. Nos últimos 14 anos, ele desenvolveu um amplo portfólio de pesquisas destinadas a melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas ferroviários. Ele lidera a contribuição da Universidade em uma série de grandes projetos financiados pela EPSRC, pela Comissão Europeia e pela indústria. Ele trabalha extensivamente com a indústria ferroviária na Grã-Bretanha e no exterior.

 Centro de Pesquisa e Educação Ferroviária de Birmingham (BCRRE), com sede na Universidade de Birmingham, é o maior grupo acadêmico da Europa que oferece educação e ciência ferroviária. Com mais de 145 acadêmicos, pesquisadores e equipe de apoio profissional, a BCRRE fornece pesquisa de classe mundial e liderança de pensamento dentro das ferrovias e oferece um portfólio em expansão de programas de educação de alta qualidade. Em 2018, a BCRRE tornou-se parceiro líder no programa Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN)  do Reino Unido. 

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